Graduate School Resources




MUN Scholarship Database: Search through the wide variety of scholarships available to Graduate students at Memorial University

Scholarships administered by School of Graduate Studies

MUN 2020-2021 Scholarship Information Sessions and Workshops

Tri Council Scholarships (NSERC, SSHRC, CIHR): Master’s and doctoral students may only apply to one of Canada’s three major research grant agencies in a given academic year.

Other external awards: highlights some of the major external awards

MUN SGS Travel funding: the School of Graduate Studies offers travel assistance to master's and doctoral students who are presenting papers/posters at conferences outside of Memorial.

MUN SGS Special funding initiatives: The School of Graduate Studies offers a number of special funding initiatives for graduate students at Memorial.

Aboriginal Student Recruitment Fund: The School of Graduate Studies offers special funding to recruit Aboriginal students.

Thesis and Defence

MUN Thesis and Report Guidelines: This guide is in addition to information in the School of Graduate Studies Calendar and offers guidance on relevant procedures and policies as you write your thesis and move through submission and examination.

MUN Thesis Preliminary Page Samples:

Online tutorials for writing and editing: from Memorial's Dr. Cecile Badenhorst

Article: What examiners do: what thesis students should know