Professional Development Resources



MUN Professional Development Programs & Workshops

MUN EDGE Workshops: offers professional and academic workshops and resources designed to help graduate students build diverse skills and competencies to be successful in graduate school and beyond.

Personal Health Information Act (PHIA) Training for Graduate Students: required for graduate students whose programs or research involve the use of personal health information. The training program highlights privacy protection in health care, and can be completed online.

Teaching Skills Enhancement Program (TSEP): designed to provide an introduction to teaching at the undergraduate level.

MUN Student Life Monthly Workshops

Professional Skills Development Program for International Students (PSDP): helps international students prepare for professional employment in Canada.

Teaching Assistant Training Program (TATP): introduces new graduate students and future teaching assistants to the roles, responsibilities, and relevant policies for TAs.

Entrepreneurship Training Program (ETP): an education program for graduate students interested in starting a business and learning the fundamentals of entrepreneurship.

Centre for Innovation in Teaching and Learning

Cover Letter, Resume & CV Help

MUN Resume and Cover Letter Drop-In Clinics: peer-led resume and cover letter clinics.

MUN Resume and Cover Letter Writing Guide: Explains how to develop a resume and cover letter and provides samples of various sections and formats

MUN How to Write a Cover Letter Tip Sheet

MUN Creating Your Resume Tip Sheet

List of Action Verbs: Strengthen your resume with action verbs.

Job Search and Career Resources

CareerCruising: an innovative career development tool to help you get quick access to career information relevant to you.

MUN Navigating Your Job Search Tip Sheet

MUN Career Resources for International Students

Government of Canada Jobs: search for opportunities to work for the federal government.

Government of Canada jobs for Indigenous people: jobs and training opportunities for Indigenous people, including students and graduates

Career Exploration Group: a six-week-career exploration program aimed to empower students to recognize, foster, and apply their interests and strengths towards the selection and achievement of their career goals.

PSDP (Professional Skills Development Program): helps international students prepare for professional employment in Canada

Canada Job Bank

PEGNL: Certifying body for Professional Engineers & Geoscientists in NL