Word to the WISE Blog



Our blog gives graduate students an open platform to share their ideas, showcase research and write opinion pieces on STEMM topics.

All WISE GSS members are welcome to submit their ideas using our email or contact form. Blog posts should be 300-1000 words long, understandable for a general audience and include 1-5 pictures. Feel free to email us first to get feedback on your blog post ideas.


From Academia to Industry - A chat with Dr. Juliana Vidal

Olivia had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Juliana Vidal, a recent post-doctoral fellow at McGill University with Dr. Audrey Moores this month, where we talked about the transition out of academia and into other organizations. Olivia worked with Dr. Vidal during her honours work, and has viewed Juliana as a role model for her future academic endeavours. Hopefully you enjoy reading about our conversation (as much as we enjoyed having it!)

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